Pitched Battle AAR
Tried out the ‘Pitched Battle’ scenario from Vom Kriege. The first step was to define the terrain which included a random stream, 2 towns, two hills, several woods, a marsh and some roads. The next step involved rolling for units. The result of the rolls for the French and Russians are given in the tables below.
Units were then assigned to Brigades and Divisions and then the set up locations for each Division were rolled.
French Corps (1 CP)
1st Division (1 CP) 1st Brigade (3 CP) - 4 LN, 2 FA
2nd Brigade (3 CP) - 2 GR, 1 LT, 2 FA
3rd Brigade (2 CP) - 2 DR, 2 LA
2nd Division (1 CP) 1st Brigade (3 CP) - 2 GR, 1 LT, 2 FA
2nd Brigade (3 CP) - 4 LN, 2 FA
3rd Brigade (3 CP) - 4 LC, 2 HA
Russian Corps (1 CP)
1st Division (1 CP) 1st Brigade (3 CP) - 4 LN, 2 GR
2nd Brigade (3 CP) - 2 LN, 3 LT, 1 FA
3rd Brigade (2 CP) - 3 DR, 1 LC, 2 IRR
2nd Division (1 CP) 1st Brigade (3 CP) - 4 LN, 2 GR
2nd Brigade (3 CP) - 2 LN, 3 LT, 1 FA
3rd Brigade (3 CP) - 2 DR, 1 LC, 2 IRR, 2 LA
The French ended up with one Division on the left and one on the right. The French appear to have a better position from which to take the town and to dominate the battlefield from the large hill on the right flank and a hill to the right of the town. The French also have a big advantage in artillery and can choose to sit and wait, while the Russians will have to come to them. The Russians have one Division on their left and one in the centre. The bulk of the Russians must also cross the stream in order to have any chance of winning. The Russians have superior cavalry numbers and will need to use these to offset their lack of artillery.
On the French left a cavalry brigade has set up to the left of the stream with the aim to threaten the open Russian right flank. Two infantry brigades have squeezed in on the other side of the stream with the town as their immediate objective.
On the French right the two infantry Divisions are set up right behind the hill with the cavalry Brigade in reserve. The hill will be a perfect spot to site the massive artillery advantage they have over the Russians. The hill dominates both the right and the centre which covers the Russian approach.
It’s hard to spot the hill in this photo as it sits under the mat but at eye level it is obvious and extends the full length of the French position.
The Russian left is also split by the stream with the massed cavalry brigade is on the far left. The Division has only one artillery battery. The immediate Russian objective is the village but they will be exposed to the French artillery fire unless they follow up and attack the hill
In the centre the Russians have two infantry Brigades preparing to cross the stream and a reserve cavalry Brigade. The Russians will try and use the road and bridge to get troops to the town and also try and secure the heights on their side of the town.
Turn 1
Turn 1 sees the Russian Division on the left flank roll some very good command dice for each of their Brigades. Three Russian dragoon regiments get two move orders and reach the road as a group move in column covering a distance of 12 UW! The Russian infantry do just as well with 3 group moves covering 9 UW! The grenadiers stop at the village as a reserve and the Russian light cavalry weaves through the marsh to cover the extreme left flank.
The second Russian infantry Brigade is held up by the stream.
In the centre, 2 Russian battalions storm down the road with 2 group moves in column, a total of 8 UW. Following them are 2 regiments of lancers while 2 more infantry battalions cross the stream.
Three light cavalry regiments move out to protect the Russian right flank and secure the bridge crossing while an infantry brigade crosses the stream to take the heights adjacent to the town.
The view from the French right flank. Two regiments of dragoons move around to the right of the hill to counter the Russian cavalry advance. French infantry and artillery advance onto the hill leaving a small reserve behind it. If the French can get their artillery set up quickly then the attacking Russian troops are in for a pounding.
The lead infantry Brigade on the French left advances to the town. Due to the order in which the commands were activated, the second brigade could not move as it was blocked by the lead brigade!
On the extreme French left, light cavalry regiments and supporting horse artillery move rapidly to try and outflank the Russian position. If they can position their artillery on Russian flank then it will make the Russian advance on the town very difficult. Without much artillery of their own, the Russians have little option but to attack as fast as they can.
The overall battlefield at the end of turn 1. The multiple moves that have been introduced into the rules to give more realistic movement rates have certainly sped up the game. It already feels much more realistic as not all units can use multiple moves. Leaders need to make conscious decisions about their focus. The French have kept their troops much tighter together which makes them easier to command whereas the Russian troops are already quite dispersed. This has been out of necessity for the Russians due to their lack of artillery and will make controlling these troops more difficult in subsequent turns. The Russians will need much more boldness and luck to win the day than the French.
Turn 2
Turn 2 began with the French cavalry brigade on the right wing getting the first initiative. The French dragoons attacked their Russian counterparts in a bloody melee. The Russians counter-charged and both regiments suffered 3 hits with the Russians also pushed back.
The French artillery has set up an impressive massed group awaiting the Russian attack. The Russian infantry have moved into the shelter of the leeward side of the hill, out of line of sight.
Russian lancers force 2 Bavarian units into square, stopping the French advance on the town. In the background, Russian troops can be seen advancing on the town, and they may well steal the town first.
The second French brigade skirts around the first brigade to take up position in the French centre.
On the French left flank, horse artillery and 2 regiments of chasseurs aim to expose the Russian advance on the town but cossacks are advancing to meet them.
The view of the town from the Russian side. Two Jager battalions have nearly reached the town and further battalions are crossing the stream. The multiple move rules really add some dynamism to the action.
The Russian brigade in the centre slowly breaches the stream and prepares to take up position around the woods and village.
The whole battlefield at the end of turn 2. The Russians have daringly attacked the hill with 4 battalions of infantry and 3 regiments of dragoons. But there are 4 French batteries awaiting them and the Russians have no artillery support. It’s do or die for the Russians.
The view from the other side of the table at the end of turn 2. The Russians have again got some good die rolls to enable a daring advance with 2 regiments of lancers to halt the French move into the town. The French also have a commanding superiority in artillery on this flank as well and the Russians need to keep the pressure on to stop them setting up and taking pot shots at the Russians.
Turn 3
Turn 3 sees the Russians advance onto the hill on the French right flank. The 2 Russian battalions taking heavy casualties on the approach from French opportunity fire from both infantry and artillery. Despite this, they close to melee and inflict equally heavy casualties on the defending French infantry. The French hold and battle back inflicting another hit on one of the Russian battalions. Neither side is prepared to give ground.
A fresh French dragoon regiment takes the place of the weakened regiment as the Russian dragoons retreat back to safety.
Near the town, the Russian lancers have 3 French battalions in square while the other French brigade moves around the blockage to try and stop the Russians taking the town.
On the French left flank, the chasseurs and horse artillery form up to meet the cossacks.
The Russians have entered the town and more battalions are moving up to help hold the position.
The view from the Russian centre. If the French can get their artillery into the centre (top of picture) then it will make it very difficult for the Russians. However, it has been a bold advance by the Russians so far and probably the only hope they have of winning the day.
The view from the Russian left flank. One dragoon regiment has retired to lick it’s wounds. The 2 battalions in melee on the hill have some serious casualties and won’t last long. There are 2 more battalions waiting in the lee of the hill to support the attack but as soon as they breach the rise there are 4 French batteries waiting. The Russian infantry brigade leader has received 2 CP from the Corps commander and with 3 CP himself is set to roll 5 command dice next turn.
Turn 4
Turn 4 sees the 2 Russian battalions on the hill rout the 2 French battalions in melee. The French have 2 reserve battalions ready to plug the gap but this is a big blow for the French. The weakened Russian dragoon regiment has retired, leaving the bloodied French dragoons with the right edge of the hill. The French artillery remains a big factor, keeping the bulk of the Russians under cover.
The Russian lancers continue to keep the French infantry in square south of the town allowing Russian Jagers to completely take the town.
On the Russian right flank, the French horse artillery routs a cossack regiment.
The Russians move more troops up to consolidate their hold on the town.
The Russians have a strong central reserve but the 6 French batteries that cover the centre of the battlefield make any advance there suicide.
Two grenadier battalions move up on the Russian right flank to support the attack on the hill. Fresh dragoons and infantry also wait in the lee of the hill for an opportunity to attack while the lead Russian battalions fight it out alone.
The whole battlefield at the end of turn 4. The Russians have the upper hand but the French can still turn things around if they can bring their artillery into play.
Turn 5
The end of turn 5 on the French right flank. One Russian battalion has routed while the other has overrun two of the French batteries forcing their crews to retire without the guns. A regiment of Russian dragoons attacks the bloodied French dragoons.
The French have sent 2 regiments of hussars to try and break the deadlock with the Russian lancers in front of the town. A French battalion attempts to dislodge one of the lancer regiments but this ends in a stalemate too.
With the French cavalry brigade commander’s attention diverted to the action back at the town, the opposing cavalry on the French left flank sit watching each other.
The Russians move their reserve grenadiers up to the river and have managed to get a foot battery onto the hill north of the town.
The Russians send a second wave of troops at the hill as the French position begins to look vulnerable. A Russian battalion has routed and it’s commander will hope to rally it next turn.
Turn 6
Well, turn 6 proved a disaster for the French on their right flank. The French infantry moved up onto the hill to attack the second wave of Russian battalions but the Russians held with heavy casualties and battled back to score some of their own. Then the Russian cavalry commander threw an amazing set of command dice allowing a regiment of dragoons to attack the weak French dragoons on the hill. The French dragoons routed and the Russians conducted a cavalry break-through and took one of the French battalions in the flank, routing them also! The remainder of the Russian cavalry brigade got a set of 3 moves allowing the cossacks to reach the second French dragoon regiment, routing it as well.
The second French brigade on the left of the hill has shifted to face the Russian attack, also moving their artillery back off the hill. Two regiments of French lancers wait in reserve for a chance to stop the Russian juggernaut but the French cavalry commander has lost half his command and may not have the will to risk the rest..
French hussars charge across the bridge to try and break the deadlock with the Russian lancers outside the town. The 2 regiments clash with minor losses. A French battalion attempted to attack the other lancer regiment but came off second best and are now routing through the field. A Russian jager battalion has now swept around the other side of the town.
The French chasseurs and Russian cossacks and hussars meet in a massive melee. The Russians suffer heavily but hold their ground and push the French back. However, the French hussars didn’t suffer any hits and it doesn’t look good for the Russian cavalry next turn.
The view from the Russian right flank. The Russians have pulled the centre brigade back to the river after taking a few hits from the French artillery. Russian jagers shelter behind the hill and town, out of line-of-sight of the guns.
The Russian left flank in full flight. In the foreground, a battalion continues to rout, but the hill is all but taken after the devastating cavalry attack and the heroic deeds of the lead Russian infantry which have removed the French artillery threat. More Russian troops have reached the hill and are ready to follow up with a third wave of attacks.
Turn 7
Turn 7 continued the rout of the French right flank. A single infantry brigade and 2 dragoon regiments remain but things don’t look good as the Russian cavalry sweeps around the woods.
French hussars charge the Russian lancers to try and free the infantry trapped in square.
The French cavalry have command over the far left flank with both the Russian hussars and cossacks routing after being pounded by the horse artillery.
The Russian centre pulls back to rally from the heavy artillery fire.
Turn 8 sees the French right flank launch a desperate counter-charge with 2 dragoon regiments against the massed Russian cavalry. The French suffer heavy losses but hold their ground.
The Russian lancers are pushed back but the deadlock remains.
Turn 9
Turn 9 sees a French dragoon regiment routed and the surviving infantry brigade pulls back to try and protect the French centre.
The French hussars follow up against the Russian lancers allowing the French infantry to pull back into line. But the weakened lancer regiment retreated to lick it’s wounds and the fresh lancer regiment took it’s place. The French have also advanced onto the hill east of the town.
French chasseurs head off after the routing Russian cavalry.
The Russian jagers in the centre form into skirmish and advance towards the gap between the French artillery and the French right flank.
Turn 10
Turn 10 sees the Russian cossacks sweep through the French artillery and force a battalion into square. With more cavalry coming and jagers running forward there is not much hope left for the whole right flank.
All the french can do now is try and hold their position on the left flank. The hussars are now routing also but the Russian lancers are sitting right in the line of 12 French artillery guns.
Turn 11
Turn 11 sees the second French grenadier battalion forced into square. Russian infantry are now advancing to finish off the squares.
The French and Russian troops both consolidate their positions around the town. The French have now moved to a defensive stance as they nervously await the outcome of the right flank disaster.
The French chasseurs sweep over the bridge to try and disrupt the rear of the Russian position.
Looking at the battlefield from the Russian side. It’s only the French artillery that is holding back the Russian infantry. As the Russians hold the town, there isn’t much to gain by a frontal assault on the French centre. Instead, the Russians are trying to roll up the French position from their victorious left flank Division.
Turn 12
On turn 12, the Russian infantry join in the attack on the exposed French squares.
Russian lancers head off the valiant last ditch French attack by their chasseurs.
Turn 13
Turn 13 sees the remaining brigade on the French right flank break and rout.
Russian hussars sweep around behind the French centre.
Turn 14
Turn 14 looking from the French right flank. With the French right gone, it’s only a matter of time before the whole French army dissolves.
The Russian cossacks have got amongst the French centre and while 1 regiment was pushed back, the French artillery is no longer a threat.
French hussars are dispatched to counter the cossack attack but they are too late.
With all hope lost, the French capitulate giving the Russians the day. No need to do a points count, it’s a major Russian victory.
Despite a lack of artillery, the Russians out-manouevred the French and used their superior cavalry numbers to pin the French troops and defeat them with their infantry.
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