Amstetten 1806 AAR

Here is the setup with the Austro-Russian forces under Bagration lined up in front of Amstetten and Murat's French advancing out of the forest. The Austro-Russians are outnumbered in infantry but the French have to do all the work in this scenario to take Amstetten by turn 12.

Battle of Amstetten 1806 AAR

The initial turns see the French advance into artillery range and bring a couple of light cavalry regiments up on their right flank.

A bloody cavalry melee ensues as the Russian Hussars countercharge. The French are pushed back with their noses bloodied (2 hits and a retreat), while the Russians hold with 2 hits. The second French regiment is ready to pounce but the Russians also have a Cossack regiment in reserve.

The French battalions take a bit of a pounding from the lone Horse artillery battery in the Allied centre. The French artillery has been pretty ineffective after their infantry advanced in front of them.
The Austrians are holding firm on the Allied right flank and Bagration has kept a battalion of Grenadiers in reserve behind his main line.

The French commit a brigade of Grenadiers to attack the Austrians and manage to get past a musket barrage and charge into hand-to hand combat. More French battalions advance in support of the Grenadiers. The Austrian cavalry has been quite passive as the French infantry advanced. The limited command points available to the Austrian General Nostitz has meant that he has had to adopt a fairly reactive position.

At turn 5, the Austrians on the Allied right flank have been pushed back by the French Grenadier charge. The Russian infantry in the centre have been a harder nut to crack and at least two French battalions are in headlong retreat. But the Russian position is now threatened on two flanks with the French light cavalry having disposed of their Russian counterparts, who are routing through the township.

The end of turn 6 sees the Russians pull back to support the Austrians and defend Castle Edla. The French have moved 2 regiments of light cavalry up on their left flank to cover the Austrian cavalry and advance with 2 brigades into the Allied line. The Russian artillery will soon be overrun as Bagration has only had enough command points to re-establish the line and bring the reserve Grenadiers up.

Resuming at turn 7, the Austrian Cuirassiers strike out in an attempt to expose the French left flank. The French Chasseurs are pushed back with heavy losses. In the centre the French have overrun the Russian artillery and move to attack Castle Edla.

The Russians retire in the centre to protect their flanks and the Austrian cavalry pulls back as well.
French Grenadiers have routed an Austrian battalion at Castle Edla splitting the allied forces.

The French musket fire causes heavy casualties on the Russian infantry. The French Chasseurs charge the Russian Cossacks in the streets of Amstetten. The confined space means few casualties and the Cossacks hold firm.

The French Grenadiers route their Russian counterparts in the centre and things don't look good for Bagration as his command falls apart. The Russians have two turns left to hold Amstetten.

Russian units are routing all along the front as the French push through to Amstetten. The Austrians are holding on the right but they can't affect the outcome at this late stage.

Turn 12 and all the Russians have routed off the board including their commander, Bagration. The French hold both Castle Edla and Amstetten. The scenario ends at turn 12 as this was when the Russian reinforcements arrived. The points result was France 53 and the Allies 9, a resounding victory for the French.
