Painting Austrians - Experiments
After finishing around 120 Austrian infantry figures, I'm now working on some Hungarian units.
I'm testing out some alternative painting techniques for this batch as illustrated below.
Stage 1
Stage 1 involved setting up 7 Austrian figures (Warrior Miniatures 15mm) and starting to apply different techniques and colours to each. Each figure was first primed in white, then block-painted to add all the basic uniform elements of skin, pants, cuffs, shako, boots, pack and gun. Two versions of 'blue' pants were used - a true blue and a cornflower blue.
Stage 2
Stage 2 applied various Army Painter washes. The figures 1-3 had Strong Tone applied, and figures 4 & 5 had Dark Tone applied. It quickly became apparent that Dark Tone was not going to work for the white uniforms, so figures 6 & 7 had Strong Tone applied. The results were mixed, but a few things were apparent. The lighter blue was probably going to be more realistic to the Hungarian uniform, and the Strong Tone did a good job on the coat and face but not so good on the pants.
Stage 3
Stage 3 touched up the base colours, in particular, the white straps and coat and pants. The highlighting really made the details pop, but the overall wash generally makes the figures look messy. Figure 7 looked the best, and is the pose that will generally apply to these 'Hungarian' units.
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