Battle of Caldiero 1805 (Age of Eagles)

Age of Eagles battle report for the Battle of Caldiero 1805 using AoE scenario.

The French under Massena are deployed to the right of the photo while the Austrians under Charles have the township of Caldiero in the centre and occupy the Colognola heights to the right of the town.

Turn 1

On the Austrian left flank, both sides advance with the French taking Gambion village (top-left). The light cavalry on both sides moves ahead to engage.

On the Austrian right flank, the French have sent their heavy cavalry out to the far right (top-right) and the Austrians have responded in kind (bottom).

With fog retricting artillery in the first three turns, the French aim to close as quickly as possible.

Turn 2

The French win the initiative again and attack the township of Caldiero (top left). The French took a hit going in but then won the melee. However, the Austrian brigade rallied and charged, decisively winning back the ground it had lost and inflicting more losses on the French brigade.
The French chasseurs (bottom-right) got a half move after failing to move on the first turn and the second chasseur brigade decides to wait before charging the Austrian cavalry opposite. The Austrian uhlans failed to move and the whole Austrian left flank is now held up with the French cavalry threat emerging.

On the French left flank, a line of French brigades move to within charge distance of the Colognola ridge taking advantage of the fog. Both sides heavy cavalry sweeps around the flank.

Turn 3

On the French left flank, one of the French brigades breaches the ridge while it's companion brigade fails to move. The heavy cavalry  prepare for combat and the Austrian reserves can be seen heading to this flank (top right).

In the centre, the Austrians continue to hold Caldiero. The French attack on the ridge met with mixed success. Two French batteries were silenced with one damaged, but one of the French brigades was savaged by the Austrian grenadiers who also beat back the second brigade on the French breakthrough move.

On the French right flank, the Austrian hussars smash through one of the French chasseur brigades and then pushed back the second brigade on breakthrough. The remains of the defeated chasseur brigade can be seen at the bottom-right.

Turn 4

On the French left flank a series of charges between the opposing heavy cavalry brigades results in a stalemate atop the ridge with minor losses to both sides. The French infantry have been pushed back from the ridge with significant losses to the French while the Austrians are still all fresh.

In the centre, another French attack on Caldiero is beaten back. The French now move up their grenadier reserve to bolster the fight for Caldiero.

Both sides rally their cavalry on the French right flank with the Austrians bringing up their infantry and artillery. The French aim here is to hold firm while the main attacks on the centre and left flank are underway.

Turn 5

On the Austrian right flank, both French heavy cavalry brigades fail to rally and remain disordered while the Russians bring up their reserve light cavalry to even the numbers.
Another French attack on the ridge has been beaten back by the Austrians with further French losses.

In the centre, the French attacked with 5 brigades. The three brigades on the right were pushed back with losses. The remaining 2 brigades have now gained a foothold in Caldiero.

On the Austrian left flank, the French uhlans defeat the French chasseurs and the Austrian infantry continue their slow advance. One of the French guns has been silenced.

Turn 6

On the French left flank, the French heavies rally while the Austrian cavalry forms up atop the ridge awaiting the inevitable charge.The French infantry are becoming worn and disordered with the Austrian artillery scoring another hit. To the far right of the photo, French grenadiers breached the ridge but the Austrians counter-attacked and sent the French back down the slope.

A series of almost desparate charges by the French on Caldiero started off with success as they cleared the town of the Austrian defenders. But the Austrian counter-punch was decisive, obliterating a whole French brigade to the right of the town. The remaining 4 French brigades are all worn and disordered and the Austrians are bringing up their reserve grenadiers (top-centre) to help exploit their success.

There is not much action on the French right flank as the French still hold Gambion.

Turn 7

The Austrians win the initiative this turn and effectively get two turns in a row. They take advantage of this with a well-time counter-attack against a largely disordered French opponent.

The French heavy cavalry tries a last ditched charge against the Austrian cavalry but it's again a stalemate with both sides disordered.
The Austrian infantry charge down off the ridge against the disordered and weakened French infantry. The Austrian grenadiers (centre) dispatch one brigade and push back the second.

In the centre, The Austrians push forward in an all-out counter-attack. It's nearly the end for the French with their brigades all spent. There is no way the French can take Caldiero.

The French hold steady on their right flank, although a heavy battery is captured.

The French are now at 40% casualties and the battle is over with a decisive victory for the Austrians.

