Age of Eagles - Regimental Scale

 I've developed a scaled down version of Age of Eagles for use with the Programmed Wargame Scenarios (C.S Grant). This version uses a ground scale of 1 inch = 60 yards and 15 minutes to a turn.

Differences to Age of Eagles are given below with a revised QRS.


Infantry are all 6 stand units, representing 1080 troops or 1-2 battalions.
Cavalry are all 4 stand units, representing 360 troops or 3 squadrons.
Batteries represent 3-4 guns or 6 guns for Russians.


Formations at this scale are more representative of battalion-level rather than brigade-level formations:
  • Line (equivalent to Line Of Battle)
  • Field Column (equivalent to LoBS)
  • Masse (equivalent to Masse)
  • March Column (equivalent to March Column)
  • Open Order (equivalent to Tirailleur but available to all Light Infantry)
  • Square (all stands face out on 4 sides)

March Table - March Mode

Rather than using March Mode to define the movement rate and fire points for a unit, it represents the favoured formation when units move. A new DRM of -2 applies when units want to move more than half a move in a formation inconsistent with their March Mode. Field column and Masse are inconsistent formations for Linear Infantry. Line is an inconsistent formation for Columnar Infantry. Impulse Infantry have no inconsistent formations. 

This is a significant change that still allows any unit to adopt any formation but if this formation is inconsistent with their doctrine (March Mode) then they will have a hard time activating.

March Table - Insecure Flanks

Insecure Flanks only applies if an enemy unit is within charge distance of the unit and there are no friendly units within 2”.

Attaching Artillery

Attaching artillery has been simplified. Artillery are now automatically attached to any friendly infantry/cavalry unit they are in contact with.

Fire Points

At this scale only the front rank of stands fire for units engaged in Bayonet & Sabre combat.


To reflect the fact that turns are now only 15 minutes, losses in combat represent half of the Age of Eagles losses. To achieve this infantry/cavalry losses in combat are ‘hits’ which are equivalent to ½ stand loss. A hit marker is added to a unit when it receives a hit. If an Infantry or Cavalry unit already has a hit marker then a stand is removed instead.

Volley and Cannonade

Musket range twice AoE range.
The effective range for 8 pounder guns was 500 to 800 yards (8” to 14”), and long range around 1500 yards (24”).
A maximum of two batteries can fire on any one unit unless they are in one command or no other targets available.

Bayonet & Sabre

When a unit is required to retreat in a Bayonet & Sabre combat to 'beyond enemy musket range', this relates to musket range only and not skirmish fire range.

A revised QRS is used with changes to Age of Eagles highlighted in yellow.
