Battle of Maloyaroslavets 1812 (Age of Eagles AAR)

 An after action report on the Battle of Maloyaroslavets 1812 using Age of Eagles rules and this scenario.

The French must expand the bridgehead by taking the heights of Maloyaroslavets. The Russians must hold the line of the Lutza River until Kutuzov can arrive with the main army.

The setup at the start of the game with the French at the top and Guilleminot's Division just across the Lutza river ready to enter Maloyaroslavets. The Russians (nearest) start with Dokhturov's two infantry divisions.

Turn 1

Guilleminot's Division move into Maloyaroslavets as Broussier's Infantry Division and Orano's Cavalry Division approach the bridge crossing the Lutza River.
In the background Dokhturov's Corps advances on Maloyaroslavets.

Turn 2

The French get the initiative again and Ornano's cavalry cross the river and move to protect both flanks. One of Broussier's brigade successfully cross the river near the church. Guilleminot's Division occupy the village of Maloyaroslavets.
The Russians deploy their artillery and infantry in front of Maloyaroslavets. The French artillery gets a lucky shot and damages one of the Russian batteries.

Platov's cossacks arrive on the Russian left flank and head towards the French right flank.

Turn 3

The Russians start their artillery barrage on the French in and around Maloyaroslavets. Ornano's chasseurs to the left of the village suffer heavily and Guilleminot's brigades are both disordered.
French reinforcements arrive along the road including Pino and Lecchi's Divisions.

Turn 4

The Russian artillery barrage continues to roll well and is quickly weakening the French artillery around Maloyaroslavets. A French brigade moves out of the church against the Russian right while the main French reinforcements are being choked by the bridge over the Lutza.
The Russian cossacks move slowly against the French right flank, not willing to get too close to their enemy.
Vasilchikov's Division enters at the top-right of photo on the road at the village of Nemtsovo.

Turn 5

The Russians attack Maloyaroslavets and drive the French from the village with one French brigade shattered and a two batteries lost.
The French successfully attack on the left flank turning the Russian position. Vasilchikov's Division moves across to support the Russian right flank (top of photo).

Turn 6

The Russians win the initiative for the first time and attack out of Maloyaroslavets to hit the unprepared French. Two French brigades and a battery are shattered and fall back across the Lutza river.
The victorious Russians are then counter-attacked by 3 French brigades and thrown back through Maloyaroslavets.
After an initial loss on the right flank a French brigade pushes the Russians back on the outskirts of Maloyaroslavets.
The French pull back on the left flank to protect Maloyaroslavets.

View from the Russian side with two spent and one disordered Brigade thrown back out of Maloyaroslavets.
In the foreground Vasilchikov's Division moves up to bolster the Russian right flank.

It's been a very bloody turn with several 10+ melee results to both sides.

Turn 7

The Russians win the initiative for the first time but the French have the momentum and push the Russians from the village. Ornano's chasseurs charge after the retreating Russians but are now faced with a line of Russian artillery!
The French attack on the Russian right wing fails and both French brigades are repulsed.

Turn 8

On the French right flank, Ornano's chasseurs are destroyed by a brigade of cossacks which hit them in the flank while they were disordered!
The French attack of the Russian right flank wavers as one of their brigades is shattered in a melee. The French hold Maloyaroslavets but they have few fresh brigades remaining while a fresh Russian Division approaches (top right).

Turn 9

View from the Russian side as the French continue to attack the Russian right flank. But the Russians are holding firm and more reinforcements join the front line.

Turn 10

The Russian artillery disorders the French in the village, softening them up for an attack next turn.
Reinforcements are arriving for the French but they may be too late.

Turn 11

Kutuzov and the reserve artillery arrive! And just in time as the French finally get some traction in their attack on the Russian right flank with a breakthrough near the centre.

The Russians temporarily take the village but a French counter-attack puts it back in French hands.
The French reinforcements slowly cross the bridge.

Turn 12

The French continue there attack on the Russian right flank and continue to push the Russians back. Both sides suffer significant casualties with respective brigades shattered.

In Maloyaroslavets, Russian jagers push the French out and repel a counter-attack to regain a hold of the village. There are 4 French brigades spent back near the river. Two French Divisions are crossing the river to try and retake the town.
Cossacks threaten the French right but their reluctance to tackle formed troops keeps them at bay.
It's been a classic back-and-forwards battle for Maloyaroslavets, similar to the actual battle.

Turn 13

Gerards fresh Division tries to take back Maloyaroslavets but are pushed back by the Russian Jagers. The depleted French brigades form a defensive line on the right flank as a cossack attack is repulsed.
The French brigades in front of Maloyaroslavets pull back away from the massed Russian guns to protect the village.
Konovnitzin's 3rd Division arrives on the field (top right). The Russians look like they have the upper hand, particularly with their artillery advantage, but it's going to be hard for either side to take and hold Maloyaroslavets to meet the victory conditions.

Turn 14

On the French right flank, Platov's cossacks get another high roll and shatter two infantry brigades and push back a third!

The two fresh brigades from Gerard's Division retake Maloyaroslavets from the Russian jagers. In the centre another French brigade attacks and destroys two batteries although it now sits exposed against the Russian reinforcements that have now crossed the stream.
Both sides have hit 30% casualties so this will affect all movement rolls.

Turn 15

The French attempt to push back the cossacks but are themselves pushed back by an amazingly resilient cossack brigade.
Gerard's Division attacks the jagers and artillery facing the right of Maloyaroslavets and are repulsed.
The Russian batteries on the right flank blast one of the French infantry brigades on the French left flank.
There are still Russians within 6 inches of Maloyaroslavets so the battle continues as each side is gradually whittled down. The arrival of a fresh Russian Division may be the impetus the Russians need to push the French out.

Turn 16

The Russians attack Maloyaroslavets with mixed success. Three Russian brigades on the right failed in their attack on the strong French brigade and in counter-attacke were themselves shattered leaving little to defend the right flank other than their artillery.
A French brigade was pushed back through Maloyaroslavets but the French managed to hold the village.

On the French side there are numerous spent brigades sitting behind Maloyaroslavets.. 
On the right flank of the village, the Russians were pushed back by a brigade from Gerard's Division despite heavy losses to the French.

Turn 17

Both sides are at 40% casualties and suffer -2 on move rolls. The French have pushed the Russians back from all around Maloyaroslavets.

Turn 18

The Russians are now at 45% casualties and it's clear that the French will hold Maloyaroslavets after a last ditched attack by the Russians fails. It's been a tough battle but a victory for the French.
