This is a fictional battle using the Scharnhorst Campaign system to generate the battle. The battle is set in Italy during 1809 between France and Austria. The tabletop rules used are a modified regimental version of Age of Eagles.
The result of the preliminary Scharnhorst campaign game is shown below:
The French have 6 victory points to the Austrians 3, so the battle requires the Austrians to attack and either capture Grizago or defeat the French forces. The French must hold Grizago until end of turn 20.
Additional terrain pieces are rolled as follows:
- row 2, column 2 - small woods in lower left corner
- row 1, column 3 - hill in top left corner
- row 1, column 1 - hill in bottom left corner
- row 1, column 1 - village in top left corner
- row 1, column 2 to 3 - bridge
The rivers can be crossed by infantry and cavalry but artillery must use bridges. Units crossing the large river end their turn disordered on the far bank.
The order of battle for the French and the Austrians is given below:
French columns A and C will enter the battle randomly around turns 2 and 6 respectively.
French set up holding the town of Grizago with the Light Cavalry Division on their right flank. The Austrians have all their troops on the table with the Light Division on their left flank, an Infantry Division in the centre and the Reserve Division on the far right flank (left side of photo).
The French are outnumbered by at least 2 to 1, and will be hard pressed until their reinforcements can get to the battle.
Turn 1
The French get the initiative and also successfully roll for their Heavy Cavalry Division to enter the table which promptly crosses the river to attack the advancing Austrians on their left flank.
The French Light Cavalry Division, in the background, moves towards the centre to bolster the defence of the town.
In the centre, the Austrians advance their infantry and cavalry Divisions. At the top right, the Austrian reserve moves up to engage the French defenders.
Turn 2
The Austrians get the initiative this turn and press on slowly towards the French line around Grizago.
On the Austrian left, the Austrian hussars take advantage of getting the initiative and charge the French dragoons which are disordered after crossing the river. After a series of melees the French dragoons have been pushed back across the river but the hussars are now faced with the French cuirassier brigade.
Turn 3
The French regain the initiative which allows them to charge the disordered Austrian hussars. The cuirassiers destroy one regiment and the other hussar regiment retreats. The Austrian advance on this flank appears to be in danger of being outflaked.
The French 1st Division successfully rolls to enter the table (top of photo) significantly bolstering the French forces defending Grizago.
The Austrians have no choice now but to proceed with an all-out attack of the town before the French reinforcements reach the front line. The Austrian Uhlan brigade heads off to the left flank to help against the French cavalry dominance.
Turn 4
The respective cavalry regiments rally from their disorder after several rounds of melee give the French a distinct superiority.
The Austrian dragoons attempt to cross the front of their infantry to counter the French cavalry and guns threatening the attacks left flank.
The Austrian heavy guns open up and damage two French guns in front of Grizago. The Austrian grenadiers set up ready for an attack on the right flank as an infantry division crosses the stream to join the attack.
Turn 5
The Austrians win the initiative and the Grenadier Division attacks the French left flank and the town of Grizago. The French infantry fall back with casualties through the town and two French batteries are destroyed.
Austrian dragoons defeat the two French horse batteries (top right) and shatter a French hussar regiment.
The French reform their line into supported formations, bringing up the 1st Division reinforcements.
One French hussar regiment rallies and moves to counter the victorious Austrian dragoons. The other French hussar regiment is again disordered by skirmish fire and fails to move.
All-in-all a very successful initial attack by the Austrians.
On the French right flank the French cuirassiers both fail to close with the lone Austrian hussar regiment. The Austrian Lancer brigade slowly moves across to help (top left photo).
Turn 6
The Austrian attack on the village of Grizago has mixed fortunes but the Grenadiers have got a foothold in the village. A cavalry melee rages in the centre (top-right of photo) with both sides suffering casualties.
The French Reserve arrives this turn (bottom-right of photo).
On the French right flank the lead Cuirassier regiment gets pummelled by the Austrian artillery after unsuccessfully charging the Autrian infantry. Austrian Uhlans have finally arrived to stem the French incursion.
Turn 7
View from the Austrian side as this turn the Austrian infantry defeat a number of French units in the town and two Grenadier units now take the village. The French infantry have suffered significant casualties and have been forced back on their reserves.
The only success for the French is holding the forest south of the village.
Turn 8
The French attempt a counter-attack on the village but the Austrians still retain their hold. More losses on both sides whittle away the number of fresh units.
To the right of the village the cavalry melee continues with the French slowly getting the upper hand after routing a dragoon regiment.
The respective sides stand-off on the Austrian left flank as the French cuirassiers retire to lick their wounds.
Turn 9
The battle continues for the village of Grizago with both sides taking losses but the French retake part of the village and push back the Austrian attack to the right of the village.
Both sides continue to face-off on the Austrian left flank as the main action is centred around Grizago.
Turn 10
The French slowly regain the village as casualties continue to mount on both sides.
Turn 11
The Austrians counter-attack and suffer heavy casualties but manage to take back part of the village.
Austrian dragoons destroy 3 batteries of French artillery to the left of the village but are in turn destroyed by a cavalry charge into their flank.
Turn 12
The French get the initiative and clea the Austrians from the village. There are few, if any fresh Austrian troops able to resume the attack and the Austrians fall back under the French pressure. The Austrians probably have one last chance to retake the village but it will require a lot of luck next turn.
Turn 13
The Austrian heavy cavalry join in on a last-ditched attempt to retake the town. One of the Austrian cuirassier regiments successfully dispatches two French infantry units and, together with a grenadier unit, they clear the area in front of the town nearest the woods.
Turn 14
The French oush the Austrians back across the stream although the Austrian cuirassiers still threaten the town. It's probably all over for the Austrians now as their casualties are now over 50%!
The Austrians try an attack on the left flank and push both the French heavy cavalry regiments back to the river. The Austrian infantry and artillery then move forward to the river.
Turn 15
It's all over for the Austrians as the French take complete control over the town of Grizago and Austrian casualties now call for a complete withdrawal from the battlefield.
So it's a comprehensive victory for the French.
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